The North Shore traffic snarl up – things will get much worse

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Did you know the Second Narrows Bridge is the busiest bridge in the lower mainland? The Port Mann used to carry more traffic up until 2009. Now traffic has fallen off significantly from the Port Mann crossing while the Second Narrows still continues to carry nearly 120,000 vehicles a day.

The news was carried in a Vancouver Sun analysis on December 16 which can be found here:

The article goes on to describe the North Shores ongoing transportation woes. One transportation authority is quoted as describing a “tipping point” when even a small amount of extra traffic causes blockage. The DNV’s general manager of engineering is quoted as saying, Perhaps we should have seen it coming. Highway 1 was upgraded to eight lanes, while the North Shore’s section of road is just four. It was like squeezing a big pipe into a smaller one.

Eric Andersen, President of the Blueridge Community Association says, “It’s not worth my while. I don’t want to be anywhere near Highway No. 1 after 2 p.m. Chances are I’m going to sit in traffic and steam…What used to take 20 minutes now takes one-and-a-half hours. It’s horrible.”

DNV Councillor Lisa Muri says “It’s going to get much worse.” The article says Muri “believes development should be held back to give time for road-building and bus routes to catch up. But her views won’t likely be heeded because she’s in the minority on council.”

It may indeed get much worse with significant growth planned aon the North Shore and in communities north of here.

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